Alhelí Cuenca | Bay Area Director of Programs

Alhelí Cuenca was born and raised in Fresno, CA and in 2014 she completed a B.A in Political, Legal, & Economic Analysis with an emphasis in Legal Studies and a minor in Sociology from Mills College. Alhelí’s interdisciplinary coursework led her to The Greenlining Institute as a Health Equity Fellow at The California Endowment. 

During her fellowship, Alhelí explored strategies for addressing barriers to health access through an advocacy and philanthropic lens. She leads with the belief that when young people are invested in and have the tools to shape the stories of their community, those narratives can change the hearts and minds of decision makers and the voting public. 

As Bay Area Director of Programs, she is proud to lead and support a dynamic team of change agents and mentors across a breadth of programming across the Bay Area. When Alhelí takes off her yli hat, you can find her studying as she completes her final year in her graduate program at Mills College for a Master’s in Public Policy and Business Administration or visiting loved ones across California.


Arati Warrier | Bay Area Program Manager

Arati Warrier (she/they) is a former high school educator, current writer and organizer, and forever champion of young people and their voices. She graduated from the University of Texas, Austin in 2016 with a double major in English and Asian American Studies and a minor in Education. While teaching, Arati also worked with young people in a multitude of contexts, from coaching poetry slam teams to helping organize Bay Area Solidarity Summer ( She is excited to bring her education, experience, and ENTHUSIASM to her role as the San Francisco Program Manager.

Arati is a cheerleader at heart and often just as excited to talk about line breaks in poems, skin care routines, astrology, and her pets as she is about building relationships with young people and facilitating spaces for them to feel empowered and succeed as leaders.


Natasha Zastko | CAM

Program Coordinator

Natasha Zastko’s (she/her) core passion oscillates between creative healing practices and community advocacy. She strives to uplift and ignite young leaders through creativity and cultural empowerment, as methods for healing and innovation.

She was born in New York, raised in Seattle, went to college in Washington DC, and is now a resident of Oakland. While living in DC, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Film & Media Journalism and Graphic Design, as well as began DJing and curating community events dedicated to supporting local creatives.

She feels most connected when surrounded by nature; plants, mountains and the ocean bring her an unwavering sense of peace. She is passionate about cooking plant-based cuisine and enjoys trying new foods and traveling to new places. Her favorite food is Khao Soi and her favorite place she’s traveled to is Costa Rica.

Natasha’s hope is to be a humble leader for the youth so that they are fully supported to evolve into powerful, compassionate, community-focused revolutionaries!